What is Aqua? Aqua is the interface of MacOS X. It's the way the window look and work, the menu system, it's the Dashboard, the Dock, and Exposé. Why's it so great? One it gives all Mac applications a simple and common interface to use them. Yet at the same time it's very customizable to a developers need. For example one part of it is the toolbars that are available at the top of some windows. This toolbar can be customized by the user:

This allows for everyone to have their own commands available instantly and nothing but what they want. There is even the option to put custom scripts and applications on the toolbar in the Finder:

The one more thing that is great about the Aqua interface is Exposé. My favorite part of this feature is that if you press F9 (or whatever key you assign to it) your open windows all zoom to a smaller size so you can see them all at the same time. Then you can select one and that will become the front most window (back at it's normal size). This makes it very easy to move between windows when you have a lot open.
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