So this site has to be one of the coolest sites I've seen in a while. It allows you to create vector based icons quickly and easily on the web. It's also one of the few uses of Shockwave that doesn't seem gratuitous. It allows you to then share your nifty new creations with others. They even have a library of prebuilt "clips" that you can use to make your own original creation!
The interface is clean, simple, and works. Anything you might want to do to create an icon there's a tool for. You can create shapes, draw lines and curves, add and subtract and manipulate the paths. They have buttons to scale, rotate, and flip objects as well as group and ungroup objects together. They allow you to move objects up and down in the stack of items. You can control the thickness of your paths, as well as the alignment of objects to each-other. All in standard easy to understand methods. You can also add a grid to help layout your objects. And to top it all off there are also convenient keyboard shortcuts for most of the tools/commands.
While there are many more productive web services out there, this is by far one of the most well thought out. I can't wait to create my first mikon… (look for it here soon!)