Changes Abound
So if you're reading my blog on the web (as opposed to my feed). You'll notice over the last few days I've made some changes to my side-bar. I've added a Technorati box, and put up a button to add my blog to your Technorati favorites. I've changed the main icon for the site (which is at the top of the sidebar) and used that mikon to make a favicon for the site using FavIcon from Pics site. I've also added my Clipmarks feed to my list of "other stuff," as well as a cliproll linking to my 10 most recent clipmarks. Additionally, there is now a tag cloud for my blog provided by ZoomClouds, whose links will show you what posts those words appear in. I've also added a list of my favorite blogs I read as well as including a link to an OPML file of every blog I subscribe to. And finally I've added a hit counter thanks to the folks at BlogPatrol.
Well I should be posting my next Web Development article in the next day or two.Stay tuned…
Posted by
Anonymous at 7/15/2006 10:35 PM:
I found your UNC academic cal on google cal and wanted to see who went to all that work. Thanks! I like the focus of your blog. I've helped my sister, my mom and two friends make the switch to mac.