The other day I found a piece of software that's quickly becoming one of my favorites. It's called Sidenote. It open up a "drawer" on the side of your screen (you can pick right or left). When your cursor gets over towards that side the drawer pops out. You can then start making little notes! It's much nicer than having to use stickies (the application) or having to move over to Dashboard and use stickies or someother notepad widget.

You can add notes, delete notes, change their names, all from this little drawer interface. It has a button that you can press to force the drawer to stay out even when you move your mouse away. You can assign notes a color, and that will be there background color (just like in stickies). You can format the text as much as you want, and even spell check it.

Then when you're ready you can email it, print it, export it as an rtfd document, or copy it to the clipboard. This easly makes it one of the most usefull apps available for the Mac. I'm already at the point that I don't know how I worked without it! If you want more info go to the developers page, or the MacUpdate page, or the Versiontracker page
Posted by Brian at 11/16/2006 7:16 PM:
Sorry, I'm not sure if there's any easy way to do that?
The best thing you can do is open the Library folder that is in your Home directory. Then from there you will find a folder called Application Support. Open that folder. In there you will find a folder called sidenote, copy the contents of that holder from one mac to the other mac (put it in the same place on the new mac).
That's my best advice. If you're having problems with that just drop me a line.
Posted by
butrus at 11/16/2006 9:11 AM:
Have exported Sidenote but do not know how to import into Sidenote on my other computer.